Scala, as a functional and an object-oriented language, can implement both subtype and generic polymorphism. The first one is usually associated with OO languages, and the second, with functional.

First things first, polymorphism is when a function can handle arguments of many types. For instance, some languages make it possible to write things like "a" + "b" == "ab" and 1 + 2 == 3. The + function can operate on different types of data (strings and integers). Another place where we can identify polymorphism is when a type can have instances of many types. It sounds weird, but it is actually simple. For example, in Scala we could do:

abstract class Animal {
  // some methods

class Dog extends Animal {
  // implementation

class Cat extends Animal {
  // implementation

In the above example, a type Animal can have instances of two types: a new Dog() of type Dog and a new Cat() of type Cat.

This example, of extending a class, is what is called subtyping. The first example is called generic polymorphism. Both can be observed in the implementation of a immutable linked-list.

trait List[T] {
  def isEmpty: Boolean
  def head: T
  def tail: List[T]

The trait in Scala can be seen as an interface in Java (although it is not always the case: a trait is compiled to a Java interface only if it has abstract members; otherwise, it has no correspondence in Java code).

Traits and classes can be parameterized — they can accept a type as argument. The List[T] trait accepts a generic type T.

Then, the implementation:

class Nil[T] extends List[T] {
  def isEmpty: Boolean = true
  def head: Nothing = throw new NoSuchElementException
  def tail: Nothing = throw new NoSuchElementException

class Cons[T](val head: T, val tail: List[T]) extends List[T] {
  def isEmpty: Boolean = false

The example shows subtyping (instances of List[T] can be of type Cons or Nil) and generics (a List can handle arguments of any type). A method to create a list could be written like this:

def singleton[T](element: T) = new Cons(element, new Nil)

Calling that method could be done like this:

// Cons[Int] = Cons(1, Nil)

// Cons[String] = Cons("a", Nil)

When calling singleton, we could pass in the type (singleton[Int](1)), but it is not necessary because the Scala compiler can infer it.

Abstract class vs trait

Deciding between an abstract class or a trait is not difficult: use trait whenever possible.

Although an abstract class has more pros than traits, the recommendation — that comes from the book Programming in Scala, by Prof. Martin Odersky — is to favor trait because, if necessary, it is easier to turn it into an abstract class later, and because it is possible that a subtype can extend multiple traits.

trait X {
  // ...

trait Y {
  // ...

class Foo extends X with Y {
  // ...

The situations in which an abstract class would be preferred would be when:

  • Performance is important. The invocation of a class is faster at runtime.
  • We need constructor parameters.
  • A Java class will inherit from it.

  • Second part: Polymorphism in Scala — II

