When dealing with generic polymorphism and type parameterization, we can set some limitation to which type a method can accept.


Assuming we have the types Empty and NonEmpty, and both extend IntSet.

      /| IntSet |\
     / ---------- \
____/____      ____\_______  
| Empty |      | NonEmpty |
---------      ------------

If we needed to filter a set of integers to return a new set of integers, we could say that: 1) if the set is Empty, it returns an Empty set; 2) if the set is NonEmpty, returns a NonEmpty set or throws an exception. This means that a function to get all positive numbers from an IntSet can accept a subtype of IntSet as parameter (it can accept an Empty or a NonEmpty).

def getAllPos(S <: IntSet)(arg: S): S = // implementation

IntSet is the upper bound for the types that allPos accepts. That is what <: denotes: S is a subtype of IntSet.

It is also possible to define a lower bound or both. For instance, we could say that a method accepts S >: NonEmpty <: IntSet — which means that it accepts a S that is a subtype of IntSet and a super-type of NonEmpty.


What if we need to use those types in a collection? Could we say that List[S] <: List[IntSet] — a list of S is also a subtype of a list of IntSet? We could. This would be a covariant relationship.

The Liskov Substitution Principle

The problem with covariance is that, depending on how it is implemented, it can lead to illegal situations. And there is where the Liskov Substitution Principle — LSP is important.

The principle defines when a type can be a subtype of another. It says that if A is a subtype of B, then A should be able to do everything B does.

In Java, arrays are covariant, and in certain occasions we can violate the LSP.

// In Java, arrays are covariant
NoEmpty[] a = new NonEmpty[] { new NonEmpty(1, Empty, Empty) };

// set by reference ('a' and 'b' points to the same place in memory)
IntSet[] b = a;

// b[0] is Empty and, because it was set by reference, a[0] is also Empty
b[0] = Empty;

// 's' is 'Empty'
NonEmpty s = a[0];

The Java example above would throw the ArrayStoreException at runtime, because in the last line we are setting an Empty value (a[0]) to a NonEmpty (s).

// In Scala, arrays are NOT covariant
val a: Array[NonEmpty] = Array(new NonEmpty( 1, Empty, Empty))
val b: Array[IntSet] = a
b(0) = Empty
val s: NonEmpty = a(0)

The Scala example would throw an exception at the compiling time, when we tried to define b, because Array[NonEmpty] is not a subtype of Array[IntSet]. Arrays are not covariant in Scala. The reason why lists can be covariant while arrays cannot is because lists are immutable.

Defining covariants

When creating our own classes, we can determine if a class is covariant.

Assuming we have two types, A and B. We can have the following relationship between then:

// 1
A <: B // 'A' is a subtype of 'B' => covariance

// 2
A >: B // 'A' is a supertype of 'B' => contravariance

// 3
// there is no relationship between 'A' and 'B' => nonvariance

If we have to create classes that accept A or B as parameter, we can make it clear when the classes will also have a relationship

// 'Foo' is covariant
class Foo[+A] { }

// 'Foo' is contravariant
class Foo[-A] { }

// 'Foo' is nonvariant
class Foo[A] { }

The rules of when we can create a covariant or contravariant class are such that covariants can be used if the type parameter only appears as the result of the methods and contravariants can be used if the type parameter is used as arguments of the methods. The compiler checks for the rules so we do not need to remember them.

We can write the immutable linked-list example used in the first post about polymorphism to use covariance, so that Nil does not need to be a class. After all, we do not need new instances of Nil, so it should be object — and, as an object, it cannot be parameterized.

trait List[+T] {
  def isEmpty: Boolean
  def head: T
  def tail: List[T]

class Cons[T](val head: T, val tail: List[T]) extends List[T] {
  def isEmpty: Boolean = false

object Nil extends List[Nothing] {
  def isEmpty: Boolean = true
  def head: Nothing = throw new NoSuchElementException
  def tail: Nothing = throw new NoSuchElementException

Nothing is a subtype of any other Scala type, and as T is a covariant, the relationship is possible.

// List of Nothing is a subtype of List of String
val nil: List[String] = Nil

And, if we wanted to add a method to prepend an element to a List without violating the LSP, we could rewrite trait List[+T] like this:

trait List[+T] {
  def isEmpty: Boolean
  def head: T
  def tail: List[T]
  def prepend[U >: T](element: U): List[U] = new Cons(element, this)

This is possible because U is a supertype of T. If we had written

def prepend(element: T): List[T] = new Cons(element, this)

it would break the type checking at compiling time, because as List[+T] is covariant, the type should not be used as the type of the parameter of a method.

Back to our IntSet type and its subtypes:

      /| IntSet |\
     / ---------- \
____/____      ____\_______  
| Empty |      | NonEmpty |
---------      ------------

Let’s say that we have a x, that is a List[IntSet], and y, a List[NonEmpty]. While we could write

// x: List[IntSet]
// prepend Empty to an List[IntSet] is OK
// Empty is a IntSet

the same would not be true to

// y: List[NonEmpty]
// prepend an Empty to a List[NonEmpty] throws Exception
// Empty is not NonEmpty

Which means that it violates the LSP: although Empty and NonEmpty are subtypes of IntSet, they cannot do everything IntSet does.

By stating that the element to be prepended to a List[+T] should be a supertype of T, we make it possible that the two situation above compile properly.

Using the definition def prepend[U >: T](element: U): List[U] = new Cons(element, this), prepending Empty to a NonEmpty list works:

// y: List[NonEmpty]
// def prepend[U >: T](element: U): List[U] = new Cons(element, this)

What has changed:

  • y is a List[NonEmpty], which means that T is NonEmpty
  • U would be Empty, that is an IntSet — and an IntSet is a supertype of NonEmpty, which makes it possible to pass it as an argument to prepend.

