In dynamically typed languages, it is a trivial task to write functions that return something or nothing. In a statically typed language like Scala, something does not have the same type as nothing. It is possible to check if something exists and handle the exception, but this is not exactly a good way to solve that kind of problem. Having an Option is.

A Clojure example of a function that returns something or nil:

; clojure
(defn divide
  [a b]
  (if (> b 0)
    (/ a b)))

; 'divide' returns an Integer
(divide 4 2)
;-> 2

; or nil
(divide 1 0)
;-> nil

(defn add
  [a b]
  (+ a b))

; the returned Integer can be passed to other functions
(add (divide 4 2) 2)
;-> 4

In Scala, when we explicitly state that divide returns something or null, something will not be of type Int.

// scala
def divide(a: Int, b: Int) = if (b > 0) a / b else null

divide(4, 2)
//-> Any = 2

divide(1, 0)
//-> Any = null

This would make it difficult to pass the result of divide to other functions:

def add(a: Int, b: Int): Int = a + b

add(divide(4, 2), 2)
// error: type mismatch;
// found : Any
// required: Int

Meet Option

The example above is the perfect situation in which Option would be up for good use. An optional, that sometimes is referred to as “maybe type” because of its implementation in Haskell (Maybe type), encapsulates the result of an expression that can return something or nothing.

If divide results in an Int or nothing, we can say it returns Option[Int].

def divide(a: Int, b: Int): Option[Int] = if (b > 0) Some(a / b) else None

divide(1, 0)
//-> None

divide(4, 2)
//-> Some(2)

Using Option would give us the same problem as Any. Some is not Int, so it cannot be argument to functions that require Int. However, it is easier to destructure an Option and it is a more idiomatic way of dealing with the something or nothing problem.

Option as a collection

The most obvious way to destruct an Option is to use pattern matching.

divide(4, 2) match {
  case Some(value) => value
  case _ => -1
//-> Int = 2

Using pattern matching is fine, but Option give us a lot more power, because it can be treated as a collection and, thus, we can use high order functions to manipulate its values.

Considering that all our program does is to get the first element of a List of Integers and find the correspondent value in a List of Strings

// assuming that a List[String] is not empty and
// List[Int], if not empty, has valid indexes
val ls = List("a", "b", "c")

def getElement(li: List[Int]): Option[String] = {
  val index = li.headOption

val liA = List(2, 0, 1)

//-> Option[String] = Some(c)

val liB = List()

//-> Option[String] = None

Understanding the getElement:

  • It uses headOption instead of head to get the first element of a list. headOption returns an Option and is a safer choice if we are not sure if the list is empty.
// NoSuchElementException: head of empty list

// Option[Nothing] = None
  • map being sent to an Option shows that we can treat Option like a collection. In the getElement example, for each element is index (an Option), get the given element from ls (a List[String]).

Another examples when Option responds to functions from the collection API:

val lA = List(1, 2, 3).headOption
//-> Boolean = false

val lB = List().headOption
//-> Boolean = true

val listOfOptions = List(Some(1), Some(2), None, Some(3), None)
//-> List(1, 2, 3)

Option also has its own methods. The simplest way to get something or return a default value is to use getOrElse

def getHead(l: List[Int]) = l.headOption.getOrElse(-1)

getHead(List(1, 2, 3))
//-> Int = 1

//-> Int = -1

Note that the default value if nothing is found is an Integer. If we pass it a String, we would have a return type of Any:

def getHead(l: List[Int]) = l.headOption.getOrElse("not found")

getHead(List(1, 2, 3))
//-> Any = 1

//-> Any = not found

