Where Is the Vector that Was Here?
While building my Tic Tac Toe, I came across a situation like the following:
(def board [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9])
(get (map str board) 1)
;-> nil
The board was a vector, so I expected to get "2"
, because
(get board 1)
;-> 2
Why (get (map str board) 1)
was returning nil
Because map
— as well as many other functions that operate on collections — returns a lazy sequence that does not respond to get
. From that, I learned that using nth
is a better choice. It works the same way for vectors, lists and for lazy sequences.
Lazy sequences, however, have a slower lookup than vectors, because they are not indexed. So, why the functions keep returning them?
They are actually very efficient: lazy sequences are a partial view into a collection that is potentially infinite and they are only realized when needed. It means that the computation is going to be deferred until it is necessary.
It is possible, for instance, to have an infinite collection of even numbers.
(def even-numbers
(filter even? (range)))
, without a delimitation, is an infinite collection of numbers starting from zero.
(realized? even-numbers)
;-> false
Then, it is possible to take a look into that infinite sequence:
(take 10 even-numbers)
;-> (0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18)
(realized? even-numbers)
;-> true
also returns a lazy sequence.
When it is realized, it gets cached and the lookup gets faster:
(time (last (take 100000 even-numbers)))
|"Elapsed time: 162.707342 msecs"
;-> 199998
(time (last (take 100000 even-numbers)))
|"Elapsed time: 49.216146 msecs"
;-> 199998
Because of its efficiency, lazy sequences are a preferable way to solve some problems.
In “Programming Clojure”, the authors came up with this (cool) solution for the Fibonacci numbers:
(defn fibs
(map first (iterate (fn [[a b]] [b (+ a b)]) [0N 1N])))
The anonymous function used in iterate
takes the parameters a
and b
from a vector [0 1]
and returns a vector containing b
and the sum of a
and b
(take 5 (iterate (fn [[a b]] [b (+ a b)]) [0N 1N]))
;-> ([0N 1N] [1N 1N] [1N 2N] [2N 3N] [3N 5N])
Then, map
will call first
on each of those vectors.
(take 5 (fibs))
;-> (0N 1N 1N 2N 3N)
Another possible solution for the problem is to use recursion:
(defn recursive-fibs
(loop [a 0N
b 1N
n limit
acc []]
(if (zero? n)
(recur b
(+ a b)
(dec n)
(conj acc a)))))
(recursive-fibs 5)
;-> [0N 1N 1N 2N 3N 5N]
They are not too different, except that fibs
is shorter and easier to understand, and when it comes to big numbers, it is faster than using recursive-fibs
(time (take 10000 (fibs)))
|"Elapsed time: 1.632409 msecs"
;-> (0N 1N 1N 2N 3N 5N 8N 13N 21N 34N ...)
(time (recursive-fibs 10000))
|"Elapsed time: 34.860019 msecs"
;-> [0N 1N 1N 2N 3N 5N 8N 13N 21N 34N ...]