Implementing Polymorphic Functions
How easy would it be to use a multimethod
that could handle multiple arguments? And what is the point of having such methods? Wouldn’t they add complexity to the problem? I deferred answering those questions as much as I could while developing the Tic Tac Toe.
The first step of the project was to build a simple game: ‘X’ would play first, ‘O’ would play second, and both players would be humans. At each player’s turn, select-spot
would ask for the user input. That was it.
The second step was to add a computer player. At that point, I started thinking about implementing polymorphism, so that I could have just one function able to handle different players: if player had the role human
, select-spot
would ask for the user input; if the player had the role computer
, it would generate a random number.
After learning about protocols, records and multimethods, I realized that it was too much trouble for something that could have a simpler solution. My decision was to identify the player as a map
that would hold the values of its marker and its role. For instance, { :role :human :marker :x }
I solved the problem with the following function:
(defn select-spot
[player board-length]
(if (= :human (:role player))
(computer/get-computer-spot board-length)))
That worked alright until the next step of the project: add an unbeatable computer player. Then, I had not only one, but several functions that should behave differently according to the role of a player.
The first solution I tried was to use a protocol
, a set of methods that must be implemented by all data structures that extend it. This is a simple example of a protocol
and how it can be used:
; all data structures that use the protocol 'Stringification'
; must implement 'stringify' and 'shout'
(defprotocol Stringification
(stringify [this])
(shout [this]))
; extend vectors
(extend-type clojure.lang.PersistentVector
(stringify [this] (clojure.string/join (map str this)))
(shout [this] (str (clojure.string/upper-case (stringify this)) "!!!"))))
; extend integers
(extend-type java.lang.Long
(stringify [this] (str this))
(shout [this] (str this "!!!")))
; extend strings
(extend-type java.lang.String
(stringify [this] this)
(shout [this] (str (clojure.string/upper-case this) "!!!")))
; handling vectors
(stringify ["a" 1 2]) ;-> "a12"
(shout [1 2 a]) ;-> "12A!!!"
; handing integers
(stringify 1) ;-> "1"
(shout 1) ;-> "1!!!"
; handling strings
(stringify "foo") ;-> "foo"
(shout "foo") ;-> "FOO!!!"
For the Tic Tac Toe, the idea was to create a Player
protocol and extend the records Human
, EasyComputer
and UnbeatableComputer
. It was not very practical, though. Protocols do not support functions with optional arguments, which would make the implementation very complicated: select-spot
needs no argument if player is a human
; it needs one argument (board-length
) if player is an easy-computer
; and it needs multiple arguments if player is an unbeatable-computer
The second option was, obviously, to have a multimethod
that could handle optional arguments. The difference between them is that a protocol
is a set of different methods, while multimethod
is a single method.
It was not a simple task, and new questions kept coming up: Would the complexity of the arguments structure make it more difficult to implement and use a method? Should the namespaces and their functions be reorganized? How recursion handle optional arguments?
The first thing I tried was define the multimethod
in one namespace and having the methods implementation in different ones. However, because I have been using alias to require functions from another namespaces, having methods in different files would defeat the purpose of a multimethod
. I would still have to use conditionals: if player is a human
, use human/select-spot
; if player is easy-computer
, use easy/select-spot
and so on. Not very smart.
After reordering files and namespaces, I came up with this solution:
(defrecord Player [marker role ai value])
(defmulti select-spot (fn [player & params] (:role player)))
(defmethod select-spot :human
[player & params]
(let [input (helpers/clean-string (read-line))]
(if (helpers/is-int? input)
(helpers/input-to-number input)
(recur player params))))
(defmethod select-spot :easy-computer
[player params]
(rand-int (:board-length params)))
(defmethod select-spot :hard-computer
[player params]
(negamax/best-move (:board params)
(:current-player params)
(:opponent params)
(:depth params)))
This post has an update